This post is about screaming, swearing, and killing. In
battle, those things tend to go together. A Union
officer from Maine tells us why. Here is his story.
On November 7, 1863, Adjutant Charles Amory Clark was having
a rather bad day. In the morning, he was nearly captured by Mosby’s Rangers. At
the time, Clark’s regiment was encamped at Warrenton, Virginia, and while
there, a friend of his, Captain Solomon Wright Russell, Jr. of the brigade
staff, wanted to visit a woman he was courting, Anna Ashton Dixon, who lived
outside of town. Shortly after the two officers visited the Dixon farm, Mosby’s men showed up, catching them far from their regiment. Clark and Russell beat a hasty retreat,
with Clark remembering, “We had a narrow escape from Moseby’s men, one of whom
in a blue uniform, stood looking into our faces as we rode away.”
The day continued to get worse. Next, Clark’s horse was
killed under him. After a thirteen-mile march from Warrenton to Rappahannock
Station, his regiment, the 6th Maine, deployed as skirmishers. While
directing the skirmishers into the fray, carrying out the orders of Brig. Gen.
David A. Russell, Clark was abruptly dismounted by a Confederate bullet and had
to make his way back to the line on foot, “only too glad” to do so, he later
Finally, at dusk, Clark learned that high command wanted his
brigade to spearhead an attack against a Confederate bridgehead at
Rappahannock Station. About 2,000 Confederate soldiers from Maj. Gen. Jubal
Early’s division sat entrenched on the north side of the Rappahannock River,
defending a pontoon bridge, the only stable structure for miles in any direction capable of
supporting the Army of the Potomac’s heavy equipment. The army commander, Major
General George Meade, wanted to get across the river and reach Brandy Station.
Some Union troops would have to clear the path and seize the bridge. It fell to
two brigades, Col. Peter Ellmaker’s and Col. Emory Upton’s, to do it. Clark knew that his no-good, very bad day was
about the get plenty worse.
Adjutant Clark’s regiment, the 6th Maine, formed
the front rank of Ellmaker’s brigade, its left flank anchored along the Orange
and Alexandria Railroad. As the golden autumn sun began to set, the divisional
commander, General Russell, rode along the line, causing the Maine soldiers to
raise a cheer, all of them apparently eager to try their hand at besting
Early’s rebels. Russell’s regimental commanders gave out specific instructions.
The men were allowed to load their rifles before the charge but were not allowed to cap them. The officers told their men not to fire a shot until they had penetrated Early’s entrenchments. It was
a chilling proposition. The bluecoats had to cross no-man’s-land by a single gallant
rush, with no way to return fire. Although numbering only 321 officers and men,
the Maine regiment’s cheer reverberated loudly. Clark recalled, “Probably so
small a number of men never before made such an uproar.” After a short
cannonade, General Russell sent the infantry forward.
Immediately, four Confederate artillery pieces began
throwing projectiles into the tightly-packed Union brigade. Clark remembered
the nail-biting moments of the 6th Maine’s charge:
The fire which was opened upon us as we swept forward was
simply terrific. It is impossible to describe it. The sensation with me was,
that the air was so filled with bullets that it was heated to a high degree of
temperature, and scalded my throat and lungs when inhaled. Men were seized with
the wildest transports of rage and frenzy. We seemed to me marching against a
blind, inscrutable force, which defied all of our efforts to reach it or
grapple with it. The only relief seemed our continuous yell, which every man
kept up until the fortifications in front of us were reached.
The men of the 6th Maine broke over the
Confederate earthworks like a crashing wave, followed closely by the regiment behind
them, the 5th Wisconsin. Unfortunately, the two regiments had lost
their cohesion in crossing the field. Further, Confederate artillery and rifle
fire had felled many bluecoats. The 6th Maine lost thirty-eight
killed and 101 wounded. To Clark, the situation looked dire: “We entered the
enemy’s lines attenuated and scattered, a handful here and there, among swarms
of the enemy.”
There was only one way to win this fight. The soldiers had
to scream and curse loudly. Shrieking like a banshee, with sword drawn, Clark
plunged his weapon through the bowels of a Confederate soldier. Everywhere,
hand-to-hand combat became the order of the day; one soldier from the 6th
Maine stabbed two Confederate soldiers with his bayonet and brained another
with the butt of his musket. Clark witnessed one terrible clubbing up close. As
several Confederate soldiers moved to stab him, over the parapet emerged the
gigantic form of one of the 6th Maine’s sergeants. Although
Clark never identified the man, he called him “the most devout Christian I have
ever known. He was our ‘praying sergeant,’ and every night before he slept, no
matter where he might be, or who might be present, he never failed to address
the throne of grace in solemn and earnest prayer.” On this occasion, the
religious sergeant forgot his Christianity and began skewering and braining
Confederates left and right, punctuating his eviscerations with a host of epithets. As Clark described it, “he
came up with an infuriated yell, and with profanity which was fierce and
appalling, he aided with bayonet and clubbed musket in speedily dispersing the
enemy around us.”
In all, the shock of the 6th Maine’s charge did
the trick. After only a few minutes—although it seemed like ages to Clark—the
Confederate line gave way to a precipitous rout, with Early’s troops scrambling
south across the pontoon bridge to safety. The other regiments from Ellmaker’s
brigade, the 49th Pennsylvania, the 119th Pennsylvania,
and the 5th Wisconsin, added their weight to the assault, and in short
order, Clark was beside himself with joy. Having experienced so much bad luck
earlier in the day, he was surprised to see a Union victory occur so suddenly.
He wondered, “Why they recoiled from their entrenchments none of us have ever
been quite able to understand.”
But just as the shouts of battle died down, Clark’s bad luck
caught up to him. As he was standing upon a rifle pit, a Confederate ball struck
him on the left leg, rolling him off his perch. Stung by the sudden pain, he
admitted that he fell to the bottom of the pit, “with a confused feeling of
rage and utter helplessness.” Some soldiers from the 6th Maine came to
Clark’s assistance and placed him on a stretcher, but while being carried to
the rear, they found Captain Russell, the officer that Clark had accompanied to the Dixon
farm that morning, lying wounded. Clark insisted upon giving up his stretcher,
telling the men to place Captain Russell on it instead. With another man to act
as a crutch, Clark proposed to hobble his way to the field hospital. Clark
survived his wound, although it led to his eventual discharge from the 6th
Maine in February 1864. He recovered and returned to the service as a brigade
staff officer for Brig. Gen. Hiram Burnham. Clark died in 1913.
As of November 8, 1863, the day after the battle, Clark’s
road to recovery was just beginning. But unlike the previous day, November 8
started auspiciously enough. While Clark was lying wounded in the field hospital, the Christian sergeant
who had scattered the Confederates so vigorously during the battle came by to apologize. Apologize? Clark was confused. The sergeant was
deeply contrite, he remembered, “[he] implored me to forget the awful frenzy
that had taken possession of him when he fought the foe at such close quarters.”
Affably, Clark accepted the apology, but he had to have known that the
sergeant’s profanity was the right thing at the right time. Like the sergeant, Clark
had also screamed and yelled during the attack. When faced with the awful task of
killing Confederates face-to-face, loud obscenity was the only thing that got the
6th Maine out of its sticky situation.
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Lt. Charles Amory Clark, 6th Maine Volunteers, stabbed a Confederate with a sword at Rappahannock Station. He was shocked when his sergeant apologized for using an obscenity at the same battle. |
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This map from the Civil War Trust depicts the Union deployment at Rappahannock Station. Take note of Ellmaker's brigade along the west side of the railroad. The 6th Maine spearheaded that attack. |
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