Few Civil War soldiers had the distinction of capturing 300 enemy
soldiers by themselves. Indeed, the thought is almost unthinkable. Yet, late in
the war, one young Union captain found himself in that position, capturing an
entire Confederate regiment at the Battle of Fort Stedman.
Here’s how it happened.
At 4:15 A.M., March 25, 1865, Lt. Gen. J. B. Gordon’s
Confederates tore a hole through the Union defenses east of Petersburg, seizing
Fort Stedman and several adjoining batteries, numbers X, XI, and XII. The
Confederates’ success did not last for long. Although Gordon’s 10,000 soldiers
had penetrated Union lines, they were somewhat bewildered by their
own triumph and failed to continue the assault. Ideally, they should have
advanced to the U.S. Military Railroad—which was only one mile ahead of them—and
if they had done so, they might have cut off the Union supply line to Petersburg’s western front. However, in the
rising sunlight, the assault failed to regain its momentum.
This delay enabled quick-thinking Union commanders to mount
a counterattack, one that retook the entrenchments only a few hours after the initial breakthrough. The most
significant riposte came from Brig. General John Hartranft’s 3rd
Division, 9th Corps, a unit of six brand new Pennsylvania regiments.
Roused from their bivouacs in the pre-dawn darkness, Hartranft’s 9,000 men suited
for battle, retaking Fort Stedman and the surrounding earthworks by
mid-morning. In addition to the Pennsylvanians, two additional 9th Corps regiments attacked the
Confederate breach from the south: the 100th Pennsylvania and the 3rd
Maryland Battalion. Both of these units had been stationed at nearby Fort
Haskell, repelling two brigades of rebel soldiers that tried to widen the rupture.
Twenty-three-year-old Captain Joseph Franklin Carter
commanded the 3rd Maryland Battalion, a unit of Baltimore veterans
that had been with the Army of the Potomac through many of its toughest
engagements. Carter’s Marylanders aided in the retaking of Fort Stedman and
spent much of the late-morning rounding up prisoners as the smoke
cleared. Carter, however, claimed the largest capture, accepting the surrender
of some 300 Confederates.
Capt. Joseph F. Carter commanded the 3rd Maryland at Fort Stedman. In 1891, he received the Medal of Honor. |
This map depicts the Union counterattack at Fort Stedman. Carter's regiment, the 3rd Maryland Battalion, advanced from Fort Haskell (to the south) while Brig. Gen. Hartranft's division attacked from the east. Note the mystery Virginia regiment standing on the road near the covered way. |
As the Union emblem once more floated triumphantly above the
parapet at Fort Stedman, Carter spied a Confederate unit to the northeast.
Somehow, one gray-clad regiment had gone ahead with the plan to seize the U.S. Military
Railroad; it was the only rebel unit with enough cohesion to attempt such a brave act.
Following an old wagon road, the regiment passed over a Union covered way and
then descended into ravine. As it did so, the 9th Corps artillery
opened fire on it, causing the regiment to seek cover. (The identity of this
regiment is a bit of a mystery. Carter later claimed that it was the 51st
Virginia, but no such regiment participated in the attack. Most likely, it
belonged to Brig. Gen. James A. Walker’s brigade. It was either the 13th,
31st, 49th, 52nd, or 58th
Virginia.) Sensing an opportunity to take the whole unit while it was ensconced
in its hole, Carter called for his men to follow him, and with sword in hand, he
rushed for the ravine.
Comically, Carter made his advance all on his own. His men
were too busy rounding up prisoners and did not notice that their commander had
given them orders to follow him. Likewise, Carter made no attempt to look behind him to see
if any of his soldiers had heard. He remembered, “I did not notice their
absence, but kept right on.” Coming to the bank of the road—which was ten-feet
high—he looked down upon the cluttered Confederates and parlayed with their
captain, entreating with him to surrender.
“Well, where are your men?” came the reply.
Carter looked behind him. He recalled, “Then came a surprise
on my side. Looking back of me I made the embarrassing discovery that I was
alone. Surely this was a tight fix to be in, but there was no other way out of
it except by strong argument and explanation.”
Undaunted, Carter told the Confederates that he did not need
his men to execute the capture of all 300 of them. They were in a ditch and
could not escape it, lest they risk getting pummeled by the 9th
Corps artillery on nearby Dunn’s Hill. This logic made sense to the Confederate
captain in command, and he ordered his men to thrown down their arms. Nearly
all of them did so; however, a stubborn Confederate lieutenant, a color-bearer, and five
other men decided to ignore those instructions and began walking west, back
toward Confederate lines.
Realizing that he could not let these seven men ignore the
orders to surrender, as it might set a precedent for the others, Carter
accosted them, demanding that they relinquish their flag.
The Confederate lieutenant called Carter’s bluff. He said, “I’ll
be damned if I’ll give you that flag! And furthermore I want to tell you that
you are my prisoner. Give me your gun!” The six-man color-guard raised their
guns, and as Carter explained it, they “made a most expressive show of
resistance.” Carter was not unmindful of how quickly the tables had turned on
him. He wrote:
Here I was in a pretty mess. The rebel guns were raised at my
head. If I pulled my trigger [on my pistol] I would sound my own death-knell.
Surrounded by rebels, beyond the help of my own troops, it would have been
folly to carry the bluff farther, so I made a virtue out of necessity and
handed the lieutenant my gun. And thus I, who only a few minutes ago had
captured a whole regiment, was made a prisoner myself. All my arguing as to him
and his men being cut off brought only the curt reply, ‘Come along, we’ll see.’
Carter’s Confederate captors marched him toward Confederate
lines, but they did not make it over the Union breastworks. As the party
approached the Union earthworks from the east side, the captors seemed unsure
of their location. This delay helped Captain Carter. He saw three Union
soldiers from the 100th Pennsylvania walking leisurely by at a
distance of sixty yards. Calling over to them, he shouted, “Boys, I am a
prisoner here!” The amused Pennsylvanians came over on a run, saying, “All
right, Captain, we’ll save you.” Turning to the Virginia lieutenant, one of
them said, “Lieutenant, what say you now? I guess the tables are turned. You
are our prisoner.”
Crestfallen, the Confederate lieutenant said nothing but, “I
Gleeful, Carter grabbed the enemy flag and ran with it back
to the Confederate regiment still trapped in the road cut. To get the Union
artillerists to cease fire, Carter tried to get their attention by waving his
sword at them. This caused him to drop the Confederate banner and trample it
underfoot. The following account by Carter completed the narrative:
Throwing down the flag, I trampled upon it and waved my sword
over my head. This had the desired effect. Our men rested their guns, but on
the other hand my action had been watched by the Confederates from their works
about 200 yards away. Incensed at the indignity to their colors they poured a
most terrific fire in our direction, rendering our position as critical as
before. I finally picked up the colors from the ground and started on a dead
run with my prisoners for our works, being forced to go for sixty yards towards
the enemy, and expose myself to their concentrated fire, before I reached the
cover of our own works. The rebel regiment was shortly afterward brought in as
prisoners by Hartranft’s men.
This is the only artistic depiction of Carter's action. It shows him stepping on the Virginia regiment's banner, while waving his sword at nearby Union artillery. There are a few inaccuracies in Carter's uniform and Dunn's Hill (the rise in the background) should not be so steep. |
Here, I've mapped out the movements of Capt. Carter during his attempt to capture the mystery Virginia regiment. At this point, Union troops have retaken the earthworks around Fort Stedman. The 9th Corps artillery was off the map to the northeast. |
Carter wrote this account many years after the war. His
after-action report, which he completed two days after the Battle of Fort
Stedman, he said nothing about the incident, except that he had taken an enemy
flag. Carter’s modesty did not endure forever, and in the last decade of the
nineteenth-century, he applied for a Medal of Honor, citing his actions at Fort
Stedman as sufficient reason for recognition. On July 9, 1891, the War Department awarded him a
Medal of Honor for “Captur[ing] the colors of the 51st Virginia
Infantry (C.S.A.). During the battle he was captured and escaped bringing a
number of prisoners with him.” At the time, he was forty-nine-years-old.
As delighted as Carter was to receive the award, he never
made any claim that he had captured the mystery Virginia regiment
single-handedly. Indeed, his account made it abundantly clear that he owed everything
to the soldiers from the 100th Pennsylvania who rescued him when he
was temporarily captured by the Virginia color-guard. Further, Carter he pointed out
that the 9th Corps artillery on Dunn’s Hill had done the hard work, forcing
the enemy regiment into hiding. Carter just happened to be the first one to
approach the Confederate captain and request his surrender.
This story speaks to a universal truth about war. In
general, war heroes rarely complete their acts of valor without a helping hand,
and Carter’s account demonstrated that he benefited from plenty of assistance. Additionally,
the confusing circumstances of battle caused the tables to turn minute-by-minute.
At one point, Carter was the captor, then the captive, and then the captor
again. The tables turned rapidly. In a general sense, that is the story of Fort