On December 19, 1864, the U.S. War Department called up
300,000 volunteers, the Union’s last call for troops during the Civil War. In
response, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania recruited about 9,000 one-year volunteers.
Most of these recruits joined Brigadier General John F. Hartranft’s division,
which included the 200th, 205th, 207th, 208th,
209th, and 211th Pennsylvania Volunteers. Twenty-one-year-old
Israel Lauffer, the son of a Westmoreland County deacon, answered the call,
joining Company K, 211th Pennsylvania. Lauffer—who is my wife’s ancestor—fought
in only two engagements: the Battle of Fort Stedman and the Battle of Fort
The April 2, 1865, Battle of Fort Mahone helped dislodge the
Confederate hold on Petersburg and it remains one of the most significant
battles in Civil War history. Combined with the 6th Corps
“Breakthrough” assault, it was the battle that spelled doom for the Army of
Northern Virginia. Victory in the East began with this moment. By all accounts,
Fort Mahone was a dramatic battle. At 4:30 A.M., just as the sun began to peak over the
horizon, Hartranft’s division and another division from the 9th
Corps (Robert Potter's) formed en masse outside the
Union earthworks at Fort Sedgwick. At the sound of a signal cannon, the bluecoats
charged across a barren, mud-spattered no-man’s-land, bearing down on the mammoth
Confederate-held earthwork. If the Civil War ever resembled the Great War of
the next century, this was it. Samuel P. Bates’s postwar history of
the 211th Pennsylvania explained:
When all was in readiness, the word to advance was given. . .
. The work of destruction was scarcely begun, when a fearful discharge of grape
and canister was brought to bear upon them, before which the stoutest might
well quail. But closing up where their ranks were swept away, they soon broke
the obstructions, . . . With a rush, the ground in front of the rebel works was
cleared, and pushing up the steep and slippery sides of the forts, the troops
were soon in complete possession, the enemy either captives or in full retreat,
and the rebel main line of works . . . was triumphantly carried and held by the
(This Harper's Weekly sketch depicts the 9th Corps attack against Fort Mahone. The scene is looking North. Fort Mahone is the large lump on the horizon.)
(This is one of the many photographs taken of Confederate dead after the battle. This Confederate soldier died in one of the connecting trenches adjacent to the Confederate fort.)
The daring attack of April 2 cost the Union 9th
Corps 1,500 men. Of that number, Hartranft’s division counted 594. Israel
Lauffer was among the dead. After twelve weeks of soldiering, with only seven days left until the surrender at Appomattox, the war claimed his life.
Lauffer left behind two bereaved parents and six brothers and sisters. His
comrades buried his remains on the battlefield.
(Private Israel Lauffer, Company K, 211th Pennsylvania, died in the April 2, 1865, attack against Fort Mahone.)
The battlefield of Fort Mahone is a hard place to visit. A
visitor can see nothing of it. Urban expansion in the 1970s and 1980s
completely consumed Fort Sedgwick, Fort Mahone, the connecting earthworks, and
the ground upon which the 9th Corps crossed. Presumably, even
Lauffer’s early grave is now demolished, replaced by concrete. The city of Petersburg
destroyed everything long before my wife was born. When she and I visit the
site, we can see only the monument commemorating the six regiments of
Hartranft’s division. But even visiting this monument is a hard thing. Although
it is a stoic representation of the Union soldiers who fought, this monument
experienced a terrible unveiling. In May 1909, President William H. Taft delivered
the dedicatory remarks. He offered up a slanted reconciliationist address, one that
paid more attention to the Confederates who killed the Pennsylvanians than to the Pennsylvanians
Taft said:
We could not dedicate this beautiful and enduring memorial to
the volunteer soldiers of Pennsylvania with such a sense of its justice and
appropriateness, had they not been confronted by an enemy capable of resisting
their assaults with equal valor and fortitude. Pennsylvania’s pride must be in
the victory achieved by her men against so brave, resolute and resourceful an
enemy. That we can come here to-day and in the presence of thousands and tens
of thousands of the survivors of the gallant army of Northern Virginia and of
their descendants, and establish such an enduring monument by their hospitable
welcome and acclaim, is conclusive proof of the uniting of the sections and a
universal confession that all that was done was well done, that the battle had
to be fought, that the sections had to be tried, but that in the end, the
result has inured to the common benefit of all. The men of the Army of Northern
Virginia fought for a principle which they believed to be right and for which
they were willing to sacrifice their lives, their homes — all, indeed, which
men hold most dear.
Of course, it is unfair of me to chastise Taft, since this
kind of rhetoric was common among national politicians at the time. When it
came to Civil War memory, the president only did what others had already done many
times over.
However, we are now more than 100 years removed from 1909.
We are approaching “year four” of the sesquicentennial. It is time to do
something about this obliterated battlefield. It would be foolish of me to hope
that anything about the physical landscape could be restored, but the men of
Hartranft’s division (and Robert Potter’s division) deserve their time in the
sun. Their monument’s dedication rang hollow; their hallowed ground has been
effaced. Truly, now is the time for our generation to do them honor.
(This map shows the positions of the 9th Corps overlaying the modern cityscape. The two most important earthworks--Fort Mahone and Fort Sedgwick--no longer exist. The battleground between the two forts is also gone. Only a segment of Fort Davis--at the bottom of the map--still exists.)
(Here's a modern satellite view of the battlefield. Can you see the Pennsylvania Monument in the lower right corner?)
(This photograph depicts the Pennsylvania monument. On May 19, 1909, President Taft delivered an uninspiring address, dedicating this monument.)